
What is Blood Disorders Day?

We developed Blood Disorders Day with the goal of providing health care professionals with the tools to evaluate and manage malignant and non-malignant blood disorders. BDD is recognized nationally by the College of Family Physicians of Canada as an outstanding CPD event. Beyond the bi-annual education conference, we provide access to practical diagnostic algorithms or pathways of care that can be used and referenced in everyday practice.

Who we are

We created this website and the algorithms for diagnosis and management of hematologic disorders. We are hematologists in the Section of Hematology/Oncology at the University of Manitoba and CancerCare Manitoba. Though based within CancerCare Manitoba, ourpracticeincludes the entire spectrum of non-malignant and malignant hematological disorders. 

How we create the algorithms

The topics covered in our Blood Disorders Day presentations, and in the algorithms, are selected through feedback from primary care providers about their learning needs and priorities. The materials are developed by members with special expertise in the topic of interest, with input from primary care providers to ensure the algorithms are understandable and meet their needs, and where appropriate with input from other specialists. The drafts are broadly discussed by the Hematology group, iteratively revised, and approved by consensus.  We value feedback on content and usability of the algorithms.  If you have suggestions, please contact us.

Guidance on the guidelines

Medicine is complicated. The algorithms we have developed are intended as practical tools appropriate to the Manitoba context, rather than rigorous evidence-based practice guidelines. They should not be followed rigidly, but used to guide thinking through a clinical problem, keeping in mind that patients do not always ‘read the book’, and often have more than one disorder at a time. 

Emily Rimmer, MD, MSc., FRCPC
Ryan Zarychanski, MD, MSc., FRCPC