Blood Disorders Day 2018

Friday, May 4, 2018

Frederic Gaspard Theatre, Basic Medical Sciences Building, U of M Bannatyne Campus

Blood Disorders Day 2018 for Health Professionals featured hematologists offering their expertise on a wide range of topics. 

Session topics are chosen by surveying healthcare practitioners in Manitoba, with speakers presenting relevant information and providing those in attendance with algorithms of care. 

The event was accredited by the College of Family Physicians of Canada and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. 

Blood Disorders Day Presentations

Session 1: Hematology 101
Solving Medical Mysteries: Deducing diagnoses from clues in the CBC
Donald S. Houston, MD, PhD, FRCPC
Hematologic Disorders in Pregnancy: What to expect when you’re expecting
Chantalle Menard, MD, FRCPC (PGY-5) and Arjuna Ponnampalam, MD, FRCPC
Session 2 – Hematological Malignancies
IPEP, UPEP, we all scream for SPEP! Multiple Myeloma in 2018
Emily Rimmer, MD, FRCPC
Investigation of Splenomegaly & Lymphadenopathy
Dr. Pamela Skrabek
How to differentiate myeloproliferative neoplasms from reactive causes of elevated blood counts
Catherine Moltzan, BMS, MD, MS, FRCPC, FACP
Session 3 – You Asked, We Answer
Plunging Platelets: Thrombocytopenia in the pediatric patient
Dr. Jayson Stoffman
Things to never miss in the office
Brett Houston, MD, FRCPC (PYG-5, hematology) and Leonard Minuk, MD, FRCPC
Evidence informed strategies to prescribe iron and B12 supplements to treat or prevent anemia
Dr. Mark Kristjanson and Dr. Ryan Zarychanski
Session 4 – Know Your NOACs
Don’t Skip a Beat: A refresher on anticoagulation for atrial fibrillation in 2018
Dr. Mahwash Saeed
Venous thromboembolism in 2018: Best evidence and Best practice