Blood Disorders Day 2016

To view a 2016 session, please click on the links for a video presentation or a slide presentation in a PDF format.

Blood Disorders Day Presentations

Session 1: Essential Hematology
ABCs of the CBC: Make awesome hematologic diagnoses using information at your finger tips
Ryan Zarychanski, MD MSc FRCP
Parsing out platelets: How I approach thrombocytopenia
Catherine Moltzan, BMS, MD, MS, FRCPC, FACP
Session 2: Bleeding and Clotting
Is this bleeding normal? How I evaluate a child or adult with a suspected bleeding disorder
Sara Israels, MD FRCPC
How I use and reverse novel oral anticoagulants
Ryan Zarychanski, MD MSc FRCPC
Ask the expert - Bring your difficult benign hematology cases to discuss!
Panel of local hematologists
Session 3: Short Snappers – White Cells & Immunity
Leukopenia: Trivial or trouble
Matthew Seftel, MD MPH MRCP FRCPC
Could this patient have myelodysplastic syndrome?
Rajat Kumar, MBBS, MD, DNB, MSc (LSE), FRCP (London), FRCP (Edin.), FRCPC
Should I immunize my patient with cancer or with a hematological disorder?
Eric Bow, MD, MSc, D. Bacteriol, FRCPC
Hot topic: Blood disorders in refugees and immigrants
Arjuna Ponnampalam, MD
Session 4: Hematologic Malignancy
What do I need to know about chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)?
Versha Banerji, MD, FRCPC
When do I suspect lymphoma and how do I investigate?
Pamela Skrabek, MD, FRCPC