Blood Disorders Day 2021

Friday, May 12, 2021

Blood Disorders Day 2021 for Health Professionals was a Virtual Conference that featured hematologists offering their expertise on a wide range of topics. 

AM Moderators: Dr. Ryan Zarychanski, Dr. Emily Rimmer
PM Moderators: Dr. Mark Kristjanson, Dr. Richard Rusk

Blood Disorders Day Presentations

Session 1: The National – Broadcasting the Critical Value of the CBC in Our Lives
CBC Investigative Reports: Decoding the CBC
Dr. Donald Houston and Dr. Lin Yang
The 5 W’s of the critical CBC: When, how, and how fast to consult your friendly neighborhood hematologist
Dr. Vi Dao
As It Happens: Navigating Blood Day Algorithms
Dr. Emily Rimmer
Session 2 – Local News – Transfusion and Hemostasis
Zebras on the Prairies: TTP & Acquired Hemophilia
Dr. Emily Rimmer
A primer on red cell transfusion in Manitoba
Dr. Laura Tapley and Dr. Arjuna Ponnampalam
Q With Ryan Zarychanski: Bring your challenging cases to discuss with local hematologists
Dr. Ryan Zarychanski and Hematologists
Session 3 – Current Affairs in Thrombosis
The CAT’s out of the bag: Treating cancer associatedthrombosis in the era of DOACs
Dr. Marc Carrier
Thrombosis and anticoagulation in COVID-19
Dr. Ryan Zarychanski
Mind the gap: Periprocedural management of anticoagulants
Dr. Rhys Sharkey
Session 4 – Up to Speed – What’s New in Malignant Hematology
How I treat myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and acute leukemia in older adults
Dr. Brett Houston
Nothing rhymes with Lactate Dehydrogenase: An approach to the elevated LDH
Dr. Len Minuk
The Price of Progress: An update in management of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)
Dr. Versha Banerji